Own Your Audience: Email Converts 174% More Than Social Media

September 01, 2024

Business owners have long been grappling with the rapidly changing winds of social media algorithms and strategies. But with the constant shifts, it can be difficult to keep up. In order to stay ahead, it’s critical to own your audience outside of social media platforms. By finding your audience on social media and then pushing them to your owned platforms, you can maximize engagement and increase sales.

Many of your competitors may not be prioritizing audience ownership, so now is the perfect time to get started. Here are three ways to own your audience.


1. Build an Email List

Use a newsletter to have direct contact with your customers. This provides a personalized experience with your brand and gives you an engaged audience for new product updates, upselling, announcements, news, and events.

What could be more personal than sliding straight into their inbox? You can even combine your loyalty program list with your email list for exclusive offers and discounts to keep your business at the top of customers’ minds.


2. Use Social Media to Drive Your Email List

Shift the way you use social media from the end-all-be-all, to a traffic-driving machine for your email list. Research shows that email generates 174% more total conversions than social media.

Use your customer research and demographic trends to determine which social media app your target audience spends the most time on, and then promote your newsletter to grow your email list.


3. Create a Website or Blog to Showcase Your Brand

Rooster Coffeehouse's website is a great example of how to showcase your products, collections, and menu. Tommy Cafe builds authority and trust by including a press section where they feature mentions from media outlets on their website.

Highlight what makes your brand unique, and send regular updates to your email list. You can even create educational or storytelling blog content about your business mission and values to help your audience know you on a personal level.

Screen grab of Rooster Coffeehouse's website.

In a nutshell, social media should compliment your marketing strategy, rather than it being the whole strategy. Use social media to drive traffic to your newsletter and blog to ensure your audience remains unaffected by ever-changing social media algorithms and ban threats. By owning your audience, you can establish a direct line of communication, personalize your brand experience, and ultimately drive sales more effectively.


Dig Deeper: Want to learn more about engaging your audience? Check out our beginner's guide to influencer marketing here